Buy or Sell anything Just by Chatting on Quickr Nxt !
I thoroughly enjoyed watching a Quikr's TV Commercial where in a Boy tries to sell his mobile while he was at dinner with his Girlfriend and his girl friend finally leaves him splashing the glass of water over his face and he says the phone is water proof too. Thats the funnier side, But the Important thing is Really All of us don't even have enough time to attend our Phone calls of Family members and friends most of the times. So whats the fun in giving our numbers to strangers who may keep calling you in odd times just like Customer Care Executives of leading mobile networks to say you about a offer or Astrological services. when you are driving on a heavy traffic road.
Quikr Nxt had really come up with a cool feature " NO Fikar Chat Quikr " Where Sellers and Buyers can chat with each other instead of calling , All of us are very comfortable chatting as we are all keeping Our important conversation in our daily life through chatting on facebook, gmail and whatsapp etc. and now it's Quikr 's turn to join the lead. I am listing out some advantages of chat over a phone call here in todays post.
Small video I made showing how to use Quikr Next and explaining why chat is better than phone call.
Six Reasons why I prefer Quikr Next chat over Phone call
1. Chatting with strangers is easy than talking on phone
I thin you agree with this most of us are more comfortable to chat with stranger rather than talking on phone. So with Quikr Next you dont get nervous even if you are reserved in nature. you can be cool.
2. No need of introduction bla bla blah,
Hello Mr Rajesh Mishra I have seen your ad about sony mobile on quikr, The person on the other side will take few seconds to recollect and say yes then you start talking, On chat you dont need to give all the introduction simply click on the item and say hi, and ask whats the best price you can offer.
3. Mobile Number Privacy for Women means a Lot!
Privacy is a major concern leaving your numbers online has it's own risks , particularly for women, once a person knows a girls number they may keep harassing them. So with Chat there are no such issues your phone number remains private. and thats a real great advantage.
4. Cost saving on phone calls
Yes definetly phone call costs are saved and I beleive a buyer may spend Rs 100 on phone calls calling sellers who are selling a mobile and a seller may incur Rs 50. May be a small amount but money is money
5. Keeping History and Following up is easy,
This is a great boon for sellers, He may be selling a Sofa and he would have received 50 calls till now and out of which 10 of them were near to the purchase, so it becomes a burden on seller to keep notes of the people who enquired. By using Quikr Nxt, Sellers or buyers can access My chats and Replies section to get all the details and just one more ping and follow up is simple.
5. Keeping History and Following up is easy,
6. Negotiating is easy on chat
I remember asking for money to my friend in person was difficult than asking him on phone, and asking for money through phone was difficult than asking him through chat . And the same way denying to give my friend money was easiest on chat and the most difficult when he is in person. So I beleive Negotiating will be really easy on chat because you feel more outspoken and express yourselves without any hesitations , thats good for both buyers and sellers.
" This is Really a great deal to Buy or Sell anything without even giving your phone number "
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Buy or Sell anything Just by Chatting on Quickr Nxt !
Reviewed by Gowardhan
1/31/2015 11:34:00 PM

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