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Advantages of cigeratte smoking

You might be surprised to know that there are some advantages of Cigarette smoking even, you may forward this message to your friend , boyfriend or lover and he or she may feel really great, that some one is there who talks about the advantages, but let them not feel too much happy just by seeing the title, let them read through as you do !!


Cigarette smokers do not suffer from Old age, as they die young

Nobody need to kill them as they kill themselves

You need not garland them , as their own smoke garlands them

there will not be any thefts in the house, as they cough continuously

They do not require any ash trays, as their own lungs act as ash trays

Don't think they produce smoke only. In fact they produce young widows, which are much more powerful than the cigarettes

I think by now , you have understood that I am not really telling you the advantages, I suppose you do, because If you are a smoker.. you must be smoking while reading this and smoking cannot make you drowsy...
If you are a person who is disturbed with the smoking habit of your near & dear ones,  you would like this article as a teaser and show them..

this is article is written in lighter vein, please don't be offended.. but I request your people to quit smoking / reduce smoking/ don't spread the habit of smoking /don't curse me after reading this !! hahaha


share with your dear one to tease /motivate them
Advantages of cigeratte smoking Reviewed by Gowardhan on 12/13/2011 09:46:00 PM Rating: 5


alka narula said...

hahaha:) i was reaaallly fooled by the title...anthr gud 1

Gowardhan said...

glad you enjoyed it alka

Anonymous said...

Very attractive title...content too.

Saru Singhal said...

LOL....One more, you can use it in poetry and it will look pretty modern and eye catching...:)

Sushma Harish said...

one positive motivation for the non smokers to quit something that which seldom happens though...

Abhishek Ghosh said...

“It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times.”

- Mark Twain

Gowardhan said...

@ saru : thank you,, i shall try it.

@ Sushma : is it smokers or non smokers?

@ Abhishek : did you quit so many times?

alka narula said...

i feel honoured to nominate you for the versatile blogger award please visit my post link for details:) or you can visit my blog for details

Maliny said...

that was hilarious as well would work as a pricking advice for people who smoke ..good one :)

Gowardhan said...

thank you malini

Luke said...

Fuck you Sir stop drinking, alcohol is a solvent it eats away at your inside good luck not dying from cancer from standing outside cock sucker

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