Readitt Do You Know these Interesting Facts - Part 5
If you are new to Readitt you may not know about our series Readitt- Do You Know? We are running a series where in we will be writing about Interesting facts, traditions and surprising things around the world, Today's Do you Know Part 5 we will tell you about a Cafe in Sydney where you can pay the bill by kissing your lover, What's the punishment for being Overweight in Japan? , There are more than one Eeffil Tower in The world and many more just read through ...
It is Illegal to be Overweight in Japan
I cannot imagine any Japanese who looks obese , Because most of the Japanese are lean and thin may be many of them will be underweight, As per the Statistics only 3% population of Japan is obese. But still the Government is strict about the health of their citizens and have passed a law called as Metabo law -
Metabo law says, Every individuals who is in the age group of 40-75 will undergo annual waist measurement check up, For men the upper limit is 33.5 and for women the upper limit is 35.4 inches. it's a interesting law, I hope it will get launched all over the world soon.
I can guess the next question from you, is there any punishment? short answer is NO, But people whose waist measurements exceed the limit are required to attend some counselling classes and are motivated to keep their waist line thin by regular phone calls and emails from the Japanese Government.
Beach with white coloured Sand (White Haven Beach)
You would have seen many beaches, but I am sure you may not have come across a beach where sand is in white color, this white colour sand makes this beach very scenic and beautiful. white haven beach looks and feels like a heaven as the combination of white sand and bluish water shade makes it soothing to eyes. I am now coming to the part which you are most interested. why the sand is white here?
Sand here is of pure silica, making it appear white and feel soft to touch and even this sand does not get hot due to the sun light? if you happen to go to Australia, make sure you visit White Haven Beach in Whitsunday Island.
Cultivation of Black Rice in Manipur India?
If you think about India, The first that comes to your mind is the food over there and most importantly variety of rice and delicious dishes made with rice. You may also know about brown rice , But do you know about Black rice? Yes Black rice is cultivated in India in the state of Manipur and even in China, Black rice when cooked turns to dark purple in colour, This black rice is known to have great nutritional values and cancer fighting elements.
You can pay the bill by kiss- metro saint James cafe - Sydney Australia.
Yes you are at a restaurant with your love, Ordered Coffee and then pay the bill -- this is what happens everywhere, But at Saint James Cafe you can pay your bill with a Kiss!! Yes exactly That's what happens at Saint James cafe, Successful Businessmen always do things differently , you can have look at this video showing How pay by kiss works at Saint James Cafe
Tradition of meeting Old lovers in Vietnam
Meeting Old Lovers? ! ^ # the thought itself is so strange, weird, scary and a thing which is avoided by all means around the world except in a Small village named Khau Via in Vietnam, Every Year 26th and 27th of third month of the Lunar Calendar this happens where in old lovers meet and share quality time. It is very interesting to know how this has become a tradition in the small town of Vietnam.
There were two great lovers like Romeo and Juliet who were deeply in love , But the girls community is not ready to let the girl get married in other community because she was very beautiful,, there were many fights and quarrels so these lovers decided to be apart for making peace between communities. And for doing so these community people have realised their sacrifice and allowed them to meet for 2 days every year and that became a tradition.
There are how many Eiffel towers in the world?
Do you know there are more than 10 Eiffel Towers all around the world !!But original one is only that is in Paris which is 324 metres high . there are many other Eiffel towers all around the world all are replicas of the Original Eiffel Tower in Paris a but of different scale i mean they are all different in sizes. There is a Eiffel tower in Russia, in China, In Greece in Mexico But the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas is of the scale 1:2. So now you can climb the Eiffel Tower even though you are not in Paris.
You are born with 300 bones- where are remaining 94 now?
Yes we all are born with 300 bones, But as we grow some of these bones join together to become one and results in lessening the number of bones. when a baby is born these bones are held together with the help of membranes called fontanels, and these jointing process continues till the age of 20.
Turkey Antalia Titanic Hotel
It seems the famously infamous Titanic which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean is still alive when you see the famous Beach Resort Hotel in Antalia- Turkey which is just on The Mediterranean Sea Cost, Why because this Titanic Hotel is designed in the shape of our famous Titanic Ship. If you ever go to Antalia, Make it a point to check the Titanic Hotel.
Artificial moustaches fashion in USA
When we Indians are following Western Culture by clean shaving our beard and moustaches, The citizens of USA are following the fashion of Artificial Moustaches not only men even women do wear this moustaches and beard,, and that sounds weird but to my surprise I have even found that there is in active womens group on facebook called The Whiskerinas where women take pride in displaying their artificial Moustaches and beard.
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Readitt Do You Know these Interesting Facts - Part 5
Reviewed by Gowardhan
1/29/2015 11:28:00 PM

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