Remedies for Sleeplessness in Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a very heavenly stage in a women’s life. Pregnancy is not an easy phase. It has its own drawbacks. It usually starts with morning sickness continue with loads of mood swings and tiredness. Morning sickness fades off as a woman passes her first trimester. Mood swings and tiredness continues till the end of pregnancy period. This tiredness leads to sleepiness among the ‘mothers-to-be’ and they get diverted from their usual routine. It is completely okay to be tired and sleepy there is nothing wrong in it. Sleepiness could be a problematic condition in further days of pregnancy. So, it is better to deal with tiredness now and prepare yourself for real-time motherhood in coming days.
So what are the various ways to overcome sleepiness?
- Proper Sleep- First of all you have to make sure that you get proper 8 to 10 hours sleep. At times you will not be able to sleep properly during night times due to cramps, uneasiness or pain. So cover this during the day. Set a particular time for your sleep. For a good sleep it is better you relax first, get a foot massage or slight back massage that will make you fall sleep properly.
- Have a Fruit-full diet- Having good number of fruits in your diet helps a lot to drift away sleepiness. Try to have more juicy and citrus fruits in your diet. Have oranges, strawberries, bananas, apples and grapes. If you cannot have fruits directly you can also try smoothies. These fruits keep you energized, full and still light. The important part is not to skip your nutrient diet. Add loads of fruits but do not subtract other ingredients of your pregnancy diet.
- Light Exercise – Once you are having good sleep and proper diet. Look up for some light exercises to keep you fresh and going. If you are not having any complications, then you can go for pleasant evening walks. At your home you can practice deep breathing exercises and sitting exercises. Before starting any exercise it is advisable to consult your doctor or mid wife. They will guide you further with best exercise routine.
- Take up a Hobby- There are several things in our daily lives that we would like to do but cannot do so either due to lack of time or other reasons. You might want to start painting, drawing, reading or tutoring kids. This is the best time for you to do what you have not done but wish to. It is the best time to pursue your long-lost hobbies, truly. You can schedule a particular time for your hobbies. Say you set one hour for reading where you can read your favorite fiction series or some parenting books that will help you in later stage. This activity routine will help you to overcome sleepiness and will also add-on to your personality.
We really hope that these simple changes in your routine will help you to cope up with pregnancy sleepiness. Have a great and healthy sleep!
About the Author
Remedies for Sleeplessness in Pregnancy
Reviewed by Gowardhan
11/27/2015 11:36:00 PM

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