How to prepare for a C- section
Nine months of being in the womb, your baby is ready to meet the world out of its cocoon and you are yet to get ready to bring him or her out. Exciting right? But the thought of C-section scares most of us, But in fact instead of fearing about anything it is always good to know about the process and get ready for it.
While giving birth is enough to create nervousness the C-section operation has created quite a toll on peoples’ minds. The delivery of a child by operating in a C manner might sound much scarier, but it need not be. “Knowledge is power”, by preparing yourself about the procedure of delivering your baby through C-section, will help to calm down your nerves and makes it easier for delivering your child.
Most importantly you should try to prefer the Doctor who has been seeing you from month 1 to month 9 for performing C- section because he knows the situation well and you will also be confident. It is important that all the family members are prepared for C -section.
You should ask your husband / mother to stay with you so that you feel happy and pleasant.
Here is a check list of things for you to keep in mind to understand about the C-section operation.
Packing for your stay
Just like how we pack and plan days before when we are going for a vacation, packing and keeping things ready for your hospital stay is one way that will help in the last minute. Women delivering in a normal process of child birth may have to stay only for a day or two while with C-section process you may have to stay a few more days longer, usually about five days. Pack all the necessary things for your stay. following list can help you
- Clothes with front buttons or zip will be more helpful as it will be handy at the time of breast feeding your baby.
- Electric Kettle to heat water instantly.
- bed sheets to keep the baby warm, prefer cotton.
- sand which toaster , It will be really helpful as in the first few days mother has to eat a lot of bread. it will be easy to make a toast.
- Thermoflask- 2 nos, one for storing the hot water for baby's milk requirements and one for serving tea to yourself and people who visit you.
- Ensure if the the hospital room is equipped with a Geaser / If not ask hospital staff about availability of hot water, alternatively you may carry a immersion water heater.
Health Check-Ups Before Check In
A day or two before your admission into the hospital, there might be a few tests needed to be performed. Urine and blood samples will be collected and scanning will be done. You may also have a chat with your personal operating gynecologist surgeon and anesthetist to discuss about the procedure. All in all, the day might be tiresome and can make you more nervous, but these are just the normal procedures for a safe delivery of your baby.
Admitting to the Hospital for a C- section
On the day of admission to the hospital, you will be given a room to stay before and after delivery. After checking in nurses and the attending doctor will do a physical check up and might go over your medical history. You will be administered with the enema. After all these processes, your husband / guardian have to sign a few papers as consent for the operation to go ahead.
C- section
Finally, when it is time, the nurses will take you to the operation theater. Some hospitals allow your partner inside while some may not. You will be connected to a cathedral to pass urine. This helps not to pass while the operation in progress. During the process of the operation, you might stay awake and will be able to converse with doctors and your partner.
Post Operation
Once the operation is over and your child is born, the doctors will show you the baby and will take him or her for further tests. After few hours, the anesthesia wanes off and you might feel a little pain. If the pain becomes more unbearable, it is best to inform the nurse or doctor. You can hold your baby in your arms when the feeling of anesthesia is completely gone.
After C -section mother may not able to wake up to attend baby's calls like , a wet diaper, hunger or discomfort due to heat or cold. So person/s accompanying the Mom and child should be able to wake up nights and be alert all the time because it is very important to consult a doctor in case of any abnormality.
The next few days to recover
Usually, anesthesia takes a day to wane completely. Once it wears off, you will be having discomfort. The doctor will be able to help you to deal with it and will teach how to have simple walks to reduce the pain. You may have to stay for few more days for observation both physically and mentally. You will be discharged home when both the baby and mother are feeling healthy and ready to go.
Support of family is very important , So they need to extend their unconditional support.
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About the Author
How to prepare for a C- section
Reviewed by Gowardhan
11/16/2015 07:09:00 PM

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