One Very Good Resolution I have taken after 36 days from 31st Dec 2014
Most of us generally take new years resolutions just before start of The New year, But this year I could not take resolution by that time, But as the time passed by I have realised enormous power of reading and that too reading books written by great Authors. So I decided that my New year resolution is i will spend approximately 2-4 % of my earnings to purchase new books, read them and try implementing to improve my life and drive the way to Successful and Happy Life.
Last year I have read the book " Who will die when you cry" and that book has changed my perspective of looking at personality development books, Its truly practical and relates to real life situations and provide useful solutions which are possible to apply. After that I have purchased more copies of this book and gifted them to my friends and colleagues. I have become a fan of Robin Sharma - Author if this book.
And this Year I have started Purchasing more books on personality development and also books which can help us take important decisions in life. The book " Die Poor or Live Rich" written by Snehdeep Fulzule explains about simple steps we need to take to make our life financially stable and better. Book does not say you should not enjoy or stop spending- It talks about investing today and spend tomorrow.
One more Book I have purchased is " The Seven Steps to Get your Dream Home" Sold by CNBC TV18. This Book was my choice as I am planning to get my own house this year. So I think it is wise to have some awareness or else we may be misguided by all the so colled property experts, sellers and brokers. Its wise to spend 300 bucks to have some good friend like guide through the process of buying a home which can cost you not less than 20 lakhs.
Another Book I have purchased which provided enlightening insights on Health and Nutrition - " What your Doctor doesn't know about Nutritional Medicine May be killing you" This book emphasises on the importance of understanding how does your body works and what type of nutrition it needs. A must read for all those who have entered 30. I have purchased this book at Rs 140 and i think thats too less for this valuable book.
The Book "the small Big " is yet another useful book which stresses on the importance of some small things which can spark a big change. It emphasises and gives a lot of examples and real proven research based small changes that can be made to achieve what you really want- It may be to win a debate with your colleague, Make your point across the table in a meeting or convincing a Client or a Customer. I guess People who are in marketing domain may find this book highly useful.
I am enjoying reading these books, I am not sure if all the books I have quoted above may be to your liking. But I am sure you will get books of your choice, Make reading good books a habit- I can promise you will surely enjoy the new resolution.
One Very Good Resolution I have taken after 36 days from 31st Dec 2014
Reviewed by Gowardhan
2/09/2015 11:02:00 PM

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