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7 Things to Consider Before Marriage

Marriage is said to be the union of two souls. However, it is recommended to plan for the future before reciting your wedding vows. By planning, we don’t imply booking tickets for your honeymoon, but contemplating the life after. Your wedding may go on for a day, but your marriage should last a lifetime. And that is why it is suggested that you consider and discuss your life with your spouse. The following article helps you ascertain the things that must be thought about before marriage and what you can do to understand your better-half.

Switch from ‘I’ to ‘We’
A marriage binds two people. It is necessary that both individuals work in unison to make it a success. The alliance requires both to participate in the process of decision making. As much as you love yourself, your life after marriage is also about your husband or wife and activities must be pursued together. Not only the planning stage, also indulge in recreation activities and hobbies together. Explore common interests. 

Pick a couple that inspires you
It may not be easy, but it is definitely worth the try. Find a mentor couple that motivates you to hold on to the tender bond of love and inspires you to spread more cheer. An experienced duo can always offer pearls of wisdom and great support when you need it the most.

Chat about your hopes and expectations
You must not only discuss about your goals and ambitions before marriage; also talk about your role after the wedding and what your responsibilities will be like.  Discuss your hopes and expectations. Get proactive and chat about how you would want certain issues to be handled immediately after a tiff, so that small matters do not lead to bigger problems. Unmet and unrealistic dreams often cause resentment in marriages.  Discussing your needs and wants will help you adjust better as a couple.

Attend a pre-marital counseling session
Couples who have participated in pre-marital education classes have notably experienced a 30% success rate in marriage, in comparison to those who did not take classes. Counselors teach how to communicate better, how to improve your conflict management skills, how to remain dedicated to your spouse, and how to improve the quality of your relationship.

Discuss financial matters
Are you a saver or a spender? Is your spouse the spender? These are things you need to analyze and foresee before the wedding if you want to save yourself future from financial crunch and quarrels over money. Also, while organizing for the wedding events make sure you plan your budget and work accordingly as you wouldn’t want to be in debt later.

Think of why you are getting married
Everyone gets married, but for different reasons. What is yours? Are you entering matrimony for commitment and love, for financial stability or to escape loneliness? Or is it the pressure from your family? Consider the factors that led you to this stage and this will probably help you keep your priorities in place.

Talk about family planning
Discussing and planning children is a major step in marriage, and even before it. Talk to your spouse about how many children and at what stage you would want to have kids in the future. It may not be as easy as it sounds as there are costs involved and disciplinary decisions to be made. It is good to assess how having children is going to change your aspirations and responsibilities. Are both the parents going to work or is one going to stay home? It is suggested that you also identify ways to keep your marriage healthy following the birth of your children.
A marriage is affected by both external and internal forces; it is up to you how to make it successful and satisfying. Hope the above tips will help going-to-be brides and grooms with their married lives.

Author bio: Devika Arora is a prolific writer who compiles relevant facts and analyzes current state of affairs pertaining to varied domains, such as employment, education, real estate and matrimony in the Indian context. She is currently writing informative articles, news stories and blog posts on behalf of

7 Things to Consider Before Marriage Reviewed by Gowardhan on 7/11/2013 09:35:00 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Dennis said...

really good information

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