Six Sigma to improve your Blog Traffic
Every blogger irrespective of their category like food blog, gadget
reviews, social blog, photography blog, all of them shares their
talents,views,experiences and ideas directly or indirectly for one
reason and for sure that reason will be " More people should read and
acknowledge my blog ", it is not a mistake to expect more traffic for
our blog, but forget not only good blog with best content, better layout
and best ever creativity will reach more netizens.
is an enjoyable activity, i blog to express my view and most of the
bloggers will be expressive, when we are expressive our thoughts, it
means a lot when more and more people read our posts, it is something
which can't be expressed, when someone appreciates your talents
definitely it will be a great and unforgettable moment.
to the topic, HOW TO IMPROVE MY BLOG TRAFFIC ? nothing new me or anyone
will answer for this well known and widely asked question, if you have
money easily buy backlinks for your site and can spend money to people
who will write articles for you, but it won't be a memorable one,
plagiarism and something which is not ours can never bring a real joy
when it is appreciated, so for bloggers who really trust their talent
and who are desperate to drive traffic, i have my experience to share
with you, experience is something which cannot be taught by any book or
any teacher.
1) CONTENT: Blog
must be unique, either worst or best, if it is an authentic one, that
is if your blog is more innovative and different from others, simply
speaking your blog must reflect your view on whatever topic you cover,
as like our fingerprints each of us will have an identity, our work is
to just bring them out and telecast to the world.
Blogger or wordpress, trust me your blog may have intellectual points,
you may be a person who has ability to prove Einstein is wrong but if
you don't have enough attractive things in your blog people will have a
boring view over it, way of presenting a topic will differ, having a
stylish blog is more than enough to drive people for your blog, Maruti
800 and Audi R8 both of them are car, but which attracts people more ?
Style do matters.
In my personal experience, posts which i published without a proper
research never reached the people much, but whenever i publish after
going through several related topics, it got their attention, doing a
mini research before posting will help you to impress your readers.
yes, pictures will speak a lot than what we try to convey in
paragraphs, pictures should be attractive. catchy and importantly it
must be relative to the topic, for me everyday at least 10-15 people
will visit my blog from GOOGLE IMAGES, adding images to your blog will
also drive traffic to a considerable level and forget not show your blog
name or link by editing that picture, so plagiarism will be avoided.
Have you ever noticed while sightseeing ? a restaurant may taste bad
and it has no match to an another restaurant in taste, but the
restaurant which is bad in taste will have glittering lights, hot name
and catchy phrase, so whenever new unfamiliar people arrives to that
place, they will be mesmerized by the Hotel Board :P, i dint mean that
have old wine in new bottle, i say that new bottle look will help you to
reach success, PUNCHY topics will attract people.
Either a blogger by choice or profession, poor marketing will leads to
the product failure. it doesn't matter what you have inside but it
matters how you popularize it, there are several applications and
forums, communities to promote your blog, choose the best or choose all
of them if you want to grab more attention, use google to ping our blog,
submit to directories. Deal packed.
These alone will never help to attract people, instead to use the
word ATTRACT, it is just like cheating people, Keep updating blog, blog
about experience and everything you wish to, be in a limit.. Experience
is best branch in blogging, because it is obviously your own world,
update blog, change the layout, add gadgets, change color, show
differences and show your own identity, people will acknowledge you.
Platform, as i said before, select several existing blogger
community and blogger pings, directories. it will definitely help a lot
to promote blog, i will list few such sites which will definitely
increase your blog traffic, it worked for me
This is some spanish link exchanging site, it has no use than just
increasing your blog hits, people here will hardly read your content,
but more you contribute more people will be visiting, just google as
5linkers and join it, but only for those who are interested in just
increasing the page views.
This is a similar site to the above one, here also people will just hit
your page but no use, you can hardly see someone reading your articles
but this site is better than 5linkers in term of total page views that
you will receive.
wonderful site, most of you would be already a member of it, it has got
more options to share and learn, can meet wide range of bloggers from
all over the world, it is definitely a best site to learn and
share,Visit writeupcafe.
yet another impressive site, it is very similar to writeupcafe, here
also editor will appreciate you with blog awards and many more, can meet
lot of well known and great bloggers, i have met such kind of pro
bloggers here, good site to grow with.
If this site din't exist or if i have never joined this site, i would
have stopped blogging long ago, such a best site to express your blog
and talents, can win lot of prize by contesting in competition, this
site has got thousands of bloggers and still growing, will be a good
site to learn.
I have just shared my views in increasing traffic, there are people
on my both extreme, better than me and emerging behind me, i just shared
my experiences here, these points alone will not help, there are much
more things other than these, basically you must have a passion and
hunger to blog, then none can stop you, all the best keep blogging :)
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This is a guest post written by S.Deepak karthik
He is a mechanical engineer and a freelance blogger
you can find him at his blog WHATEVER IT TAKES !
Readitt thanks Deepak Karthik for this post
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Six Sigma to improve your Blog Traffic
Reviewed by Gowardhan
11/10/2011 12:53:00 PM

Well as a novice in terms of blogging tech, I learned a lot... thanks for sharing beautiful content....
ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya
content - worst or best!! smiled at that one
signing up on indiblogger has proved helpful
good post
I should book mark this!
Thanks Deepak Karthik, very good tips.
Joined you GFC, Readitt!
thank you sahsi, sathya, jovita and Anu
thank you sahsi, sathya, jovita and Anu
FaceBookiDunia is taken!!
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