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Second Anniversary of Readitt

August 04, 2011 (First article was published on readitt) It is two years since we started Readitt, I am excited to share with you Our Blogging Journey. I still remember writing silly posts and it took around 20 blog posts to figure out what is blogging exactly.

And then it was not easy to figure out the niche and blog consistently on the same so it took around 4 months to make my blog from to Readitt (the magazine).

In due course of time I had discovered indiblogger and was inspired to see so many senior bloggers, professional bloggers and amateur bloggers like me on the same platform. and slowly started learning the basics of blogging. 

I took me around 6 months time to purchase a domain name and to change to a custom template. because initially I was just concentrating on writing more and more blogposts. I learnt that a blogger should spend his 30 percent of the time to create blog posts, I stress about it again -- creating -- and not writing. creating involves researching, seo, vocabulary and sentence formation. And now if you ask me what about the remaining 70 percent of the time just follow the next paragraph in detail.

Marketing and publicizing your blog - 30%
Interacting with fellow bloggers - 15%
Learning latest trends and general awareness about blogging - 15%
learning blog design, appearance and layout - 10%

So with consistent hard work readitt could reach here, google page rank -2, Alexa rank - 68k and 200+ subscribers. I still remember the day when I use to check my traffic statistics 10 times to just see 20 page views.  But realized in course of time " It takes time, patience and hard work to gain traffic "

Anyways the journey so far is very interesting and mean while, though there are few blogging mistakes I committed, I understood and learnt  that 70 percent of the highly successful blogs on internet are niche blogs  and started  2  niche websites and

I would like to thank every one who is a reader of, We shall promise you that we will deliver best possible content and try our level best provide value to our readers. happy reading.. 

Second Anniversary of Readitt Reviewed by Gowardhan on 8/08/2013 10:07:00 PM Rating: 5


Satyadeep Singh said...

Congratulations, wow 2 years, you must be feeling great, enjoy the feeling :)

Anil said...

and for the confidence you have in taking the journey further....


Readitt said...

thank you Anil, your good wishes will take readitt ahead.

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