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Order Food Online with Food panda

When she is tired and feeling lazy and You are not even in a mood to go out to a restaurant in the traffic and wait for an hour or so at the restaurant to get the food you desired.. The best way can be to order food online, If You ask me how can you do it and how good it is? I will explain you in detail 

When Pizza Hut came to India and launched Free home delivery,, That was a wow feeling among us, But many things have changed and technology has evolved so much but still ordering food from restaurants is not an easy task !! ..  This was my opinion till I had come across Foodpanda (which is already popular in 28 countries) , I was surprised to see so many Restaurants listed on Food Panda with so many mouth watering dishes and the ability to order food just with few clicks. 

Ordering food Online is at least easy now for the big cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Noida, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chandigarh and Pune. If you are any of these heavily crowded cities with buzzing traffic and lots of ques at the Restaurants 

Lemme discuss in detail, All the aspects of Ordering food online from Food panda

Delivery Time : Delivery time is one most important factor any one takes into consideration, When we order food online, Most of the Restaurants listed on Food panda deliver food in 45 minutes , Of course it is always good to give 15  minutes more taking into account the unexpected traffic of our big cities, I feel delivery time of 1hour is pretty good

Cost of the Food  : Cost of the Food is same as the cost of the Dish at Restaurant, That means Food panda does not charge any extra charges for Delivery . To explain it in detail " Let us assume price of Chicken Biriyani at Green Taj Bawarchi - Hyderabad is RS 150, Then the privilege of enjoying Bawarchi Biriyani on  your Dining table will also cost Rs 150 only 

Easy to Search and order
When you visit you will find easy menu and options to input your location -(city- area and sub area) to suggest Restaurants nearest to your place. and when you go to menu of a particular Restaurant You can view the menu and the cost of the item  and information about delivery hours and pick up hours (i.e the option to pick up the parcel on your own)

See how it works

Minimum Order Value : The minimum order value I have found is as low as Rs 100 from Few Restaurants, But On an average most of the Restaurants allow you to order a minimum of Rs 300 to deliver it to your foot step

Variety of Food: When it comes to variety of food, The Restaurants listed on Food panda vary from Fast food centre to Taj hotels, You can literally order thousands of dishes like pizza to panipuri , noodles to naan, paratha to pasta, chicken burger to chicken biriyani , vadapaav to vanilla and so on you can find a lot of variety

Some Restaurants Only Offer Pick-up : Some Restaurants listed at offer only pick-up, that means no delivery , you need to pick-up the parcel in the timing mentioned.  

pay online and cash on delivery: You can pay online via net banking , credit card or debit card and even in cash after delivery, That means a lot of convenience in terms of payment options

live chat option to clarify your doubts : Live Chat option to answer any queries or doubts and also to help you find the nearest restaurant to your home or to help you with the menu.

Food Panda Applications for mobile : There is also a foodpanda Applications for I Phone and Android to enable users to browse and order food from your mobile phone while you are in the cab , car or in a local train saving time "Before you reach your home the food you ordered will reach your home.(Download foodpanda Mobile Applications here)

Order Food Online with Food panda Reviewed by Gowardhan on 10/10/2013 02:34:00 PM Rating: 5
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