History of the Teddy bear, so cute !
I have gifted my wife a teddy bear on her birthday, she was so happy !! no surprise teddy bear is such a gift which can impress any one whom you care about , Most of us have a teddy bear or two in our house, girls are so possessive about their Teddy's too. But what made this teddy bears so special all over the world? answer is a incident which happened with the American president of that time (1902) . let us unfold the story of the worlds cutest toy.

Morris Mitchom who owned a candy shop was selling soft toys too, after seeing the cartoon his wife was inspired to make a bear which looked like the bear in the cartoon. the bear (toy) looked so cute and they have sent one to Teddy and asked his permission to use his name for the bear. he accepted and they named it teddy bear , it started getting popular and you know it is World popular now !!
So many teddy bear museums are even there all over the world
Namson Tower Seoul Teddy Bear Museum ( courtesy)I have enjoyed sharing about how Teddy bear has become the worlds cutest soft toy,, what do you say..did you enjoy reading the same !!
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History of the Teddy bear, so cute !
Reviewed by Gowardhan
11/30/2011 07:41:00 PM

I enjoyed reading it, though I don't like stuffed toys a lot...
Great story
Great story... Finally know how the teddy bear came into existence... Thank you... :)
Eh!! Everything has a history?? Thanks for writing about this. I am going to share it with a few teddy lovers. :D
nice post..thanks for nice information about teddy bear.
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